The coming October war 2023 in the Persian Gulf

I maintain that there will start a by the US long time planned war, very soon in the Middle East. Within a month’s time, probably in less than two weeks’ time. It is the most obvious choice of victim, Iran, and not Saudi-Arabia. Well, I wouldn’t really call Iran’s theocracy victims. Iran has actively been engaging in the skirmishes and wars taking place in the whole of the Middle East area for many years now. They are just reaping what they themselves sew. But if the US make war like they did in Iraq in 2003, it will be ordinary Iranian people picking up the tab. The US Phosphorous bombs and thermobaric bombs and depleted uranium shells will see to that. Phosphorous bombs are really, really, ugly. Getting exposed to them kills people in a truly horrendous way. It can be compared to dying by torture in the middle-ages. The US hurled them against the city of Fallujah in Iraq in 2003, because they could and that’s that. It was the phony Christian, George W. Bush’s responsibility. “Shock-and-awe” and all that.

United With Israel reports October 1st, 2023, quote:

Iran has the infrastructure in place and the know-how to make a nuclear weapon in less than two weeks, according to the U.S. Department of Defense’s 2023 Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction report.

“It is assessed that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program at this time, but has the capacity to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear device in less than two weeks,” said the report, which outlines Washington’s strategic approach to countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction globally.

“Further, the United States assesses Iran to be noncompliant with its CWC [Chemical Weapons Convention] obligations. For example, Iran has not submitted a complete chemical weapons production facility declaration to comply with CWC processes. The United States is also concerned that Iran is pursuing dual-use central nervous system-acting chemicals for offensive purposes,” added the report.

United With Israel

End quote

It looks like the Biden administration has another ace up its sleeve, in order to create Casus Belli for the US in the soon to be war. The threat of chemical weapons, which Iran hasn’t utilized up to now. But they are, quote, “pursuing” it!

But what da heck is “Dual-use” supposed to mean?

Casus Belli means “Cause for war” in Latin. They like their Latin, the big brass.

Roger Klang

Thank you and see you later alligator, at a while crocodile!

The source for this lesson was: United With Israel

Published by

Roger Klang

I come from Arboga, Sweden, same latitude as Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki. The year in which I was born was 1965. But I grew up in the region of Scania in the south end of Sweden. I have several interests, A couple of them are represented on this blog. I don’t know what else to say about myself so I’ll stop here. The truth is, you wouldn’t know me if you had read a book about me. I’m pretty unique I like to think. We all are, but especially me. Roger M. Klang, civis Lundensis

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