Putin’s servile Tucker Carlson

Former Fucks News servile anchor-man Tucker Carlsson is Putin’s bitch.

The controversial American journalist is in Moscow right now to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tucker has never been keen on being unbiased. How could he when he supports Donald Trump? If you support Donald, you must be an enemy of the truth. The little weasel Elon Musk has promised Tucker a platform for his interview, that Tucker won’t be censored. Elon has never made a great impression on me. He scares me about as much as a killer-snail in my garden. I don’t want to unnecessarily step on it since it will make a big mess, and the other killer-snails will only feast on the corpse. But “Now” isn’t “unnecessary”, I think. He is weak.

Semper Fi, Volodomyr Zelenskyj!

Roger Klang
